“A Perfect Murder” stands as a clever reinterpretation of Alfred Hitchcock’s acclaimed classic, “Dial M for Murder.” The play, written by Niranjan Shivaikar and directed by Vijay Kenkare, introduces Niranjan, a former cricketer, who is married to the glamorous socialite Meera. As the narrative unfolds, it becomes apparent that Meera is entangled in an extramarital affair with a crime writer. The story takes a suspenseful turn as the husband discovers the affair, prompting him to meticulously devise a chilling revenge plan, including plotting her murder to gain control of her property. In an unforeseen twist of events, the scheme falters, and the unfolding mystery, with due credit to Police Inspector Gharge, proves truly captivating.

Set against the backdrop of the 80s, the play is visually marked by props such as the telephone, light switches, and the desk. The costumes, featuring hats/caps, vests, and suspenders, consistently remind the audience that the events are unfolding in the 1980s. The set and lighting are meticulously tailored to complement the essence of the play.

The performances of Pushkar Shrotri, Aniket Vishwasrao, Satish Rajwade, Priya Marathe, and the entire cast are impeccable. Watching a suspenseful play is always a delight for the audience.

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