Sakhar Khallela Manus

About Movie

“SakharKhallela Manus” is a Marathi drama that skillfully blends comedy with profound themes. Renowned veteran actor Prashant Damle takes center stage, delivering a stellar performance alongside veteran actress Shubhangi Gokhale. The play delves into the complexities of human nature, highlighting how people often accept harsh realities disguised in sweetness. Written by Vidyasagar Adhyapak, the play addresses the serious issue of diabetes through a darkly comedic lens. Director Chandrakant Kulkarni’s innovative approach gives the drama a unique form, enhancing the impact of its insightful dialogues and comedic moments. With impeccable timing, vibrant energy, and a fitting musical score, “SakharKhallela Manus” captivates audiences, leaving a lasting impression with its blend of humor and depth.

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